Spring League Registration Now Open!
Assemble your crew of 4-8 friends / neighbors / coworkers / cousins / drinking buddies and join the crew of elite and quasi-elite virginia beach shuffleboarders!
4-8 players per team. You’ll need a minimum of 4 to compete each league night. Subs are allowed!
8 weeks. You’ll play every Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from April 8th through May 29th.
Games start at 6 or 7:10pm. You’ll only play on the day and time slot you select upon registration. Games last about an hour.
We’ll crown our champion in a one-day playoff event hosted Wednesday, June 4th.
Free shuffleboard all season long! Food and drink specials every league night!
The best things in life are free. The second best things are $250/team if you register by March 19th.
Don't worry if you've never played before, we'll get you whipped into shuffle shape in no time. The game is super easy to learn and is fun for all ages and athletic abilities. That being said, this league is restricted to players 21 years of age and older.